(too old to reply)
2003-12-11 10:49:34 UTC
Hi everybody

I need your help :

Tomorrow I have to present somebody in english (I'm french) to my classmates
and to make them guess who it is, I've just 2 minutes. So I choose Jarvis
:o) I just need you to correct my (english). Here it is :

" Hi, this morning I would like to introduice somebody I really like, it's
maybe a little bit hard to guess, but I hope that somebody will find.
So this singer was born in 1963 (so he's 40 this year) , in Sheffield, a big
industrial and very sad city in the north of England.
As a child, he was very bright, creative, clever, and excentric and he made
a band with friends at 15 : "Arabicus Pulp" which became just "Pulp" later.
Around 15 years later (?), Pulp released his first hit called "Common
People" and became famous like others "brit pop" bands (Oasis, Blur...) and
English people considered this man like a kind of symbol, they like him very
much like some mediatic people who represent them in a way.
Today, Pulp is almost separated but this singer still performs in an electro
rock formation : Relaxed Muscle.
So guess who he is" ;o)

I hate Wet Wet Wet ©

2003-12-11 19:10:40 UTC
Post by manu
" Hi, this morning I would like to introduice somebody I really like, it's
maybe a little bit hard to guess, but I hope that somebody will find.
"Find" might be better replaced with "...know who it is."
Post by manu
So this singer was born in 1963 (so he's 40 this year) , in Sheffield, a big
industrial and very sad city in the north of England.
As a child, he was very bright, creative, clever, and excentric and he made
a band with friends at 15 : "Arabicus Pulp" which became just "Pulp" later.
Around 15 years later (?), Pulp released his first hit called "Common
"His" should probably be "their" (Because Pulp has no gender)
Post by manu
People" and became famous like others "brit pop" bands (Oasis, Blur...) and
"Others" ought to be "other."
Post by manu
English people considered this man like a kind of symbol, they like him very
much like some mediatic people who represent them in a way.
I'm not sure what you mean by "mediatic." It's not a word I've ever seen
before, sorry.
Post by manu
Today, Pulp is almost separated but this singer still performs in an electro
rock formation : Relaxed Muscle.
So guess who he is" ;o)
Could it be...

howard_offtherails at hotmail.com
2003-12-12 23:23:10 UTC
Post by Satis
Post by manu
" Hi, this morning I would like to introduice somebody I really like, it's
maybe a little bit hard to guess, but I hope that somebody will find.
"Find" might be better replaced with "...know who it is."
Post by manu
So this singer was born in 1963 (so he's 40 this year) , in Sheffield, a
Post by manu
industrial and very sad city in the north of England.
As a child, he was very bright, creative, clever, and excentric and he
Post by manu
a band with friends at 15 : "Arabicus Pulp" which became just "Pulp"
Post by manu
Around 15 years later (?), Pulp released his first hit called "Common
"His" should probably be "their" (Because Pulp has no gender)
Post by manu
People" and became famous like others "brit pop" bands (Oasis, Blur...)
"Others" ought to be "other."
Post by manu
English people considered this man like a kind of symbol, they like him
Post by manu
much like some mediatic people who represent them in a way.
I'm not sure what you mean by "mediatic." It's not a word I've ever seen
before, sorry.
Post by manu
Today, Pulp is almost separated but this singer still performs in an
Post by manu
rock formation : Relaxed Muscle.
So guess who he is" ;o)
Could it be...
howard_offtherails at hotmail.com
Thanks very much.

Finally I'll do it next week, what do you think I could add ?

I hate Wet Wet Wet ©


weblog : www.20six.fr/medingus
2003-12-12 23:56:06 UTC
Post by manu
in Sheffield, a big
industrial and very sad city in the north of England.
Oi!! Sheffield isn't very sad!! Maybe a teeensy weensy little bit sad, but
'very sad'?!? Pah :P
Post by manu
Pulp released his first hit
Should read 'Pulp released their first hit'. An American might say 'Pulp
released its first hit'. I think. I don't know for sure though. Someone English
would ALWAYS say 'their'.
Post by manu
they like him very
much like some mediatic people who represent them in a way
I think I can kind of understand what you mean here, but 'mediatic' isn't a
Post by manu
Today, Pulp is almost separated
Again, someone English would propbably say 'Pulp are separated'. I don't know
if that's technically 'correct' English, but it's how people talk and write.
Imagine someone saying 'The Beatles is separated'; it just doesn't sound right!
Mark Sturdy
2003-12-19 13:02:20 UTC
Jesus, give her a break. I've a funny feeling that her English might
actually be a little bit better than your French...

Post by Srpskijeb
Post by manu
in Sheffield, a big
industrial and very sad city in the north of England.
Oi!! Sheffield isn't very sad!! Maybe a teeensy weensy little bit sad, but
'very sad'?!? Pah :P
Post by manu
Pulp released his first hit
Should read 'Pulp released their first hit'. An American might say 'Pulp
released its first hit'. I think. I don't know for sure though. Someone English
would ALWAYS say 'their'.
Post by manu
they like him very
much like some mediatic people who represent them in a way
I think I can kind of understand what you mean here, but 'mediatic' isn't a
Post by manu
Today, Pulp is almost separated
Again, someone English would propbably say 'Pulp are separated'. I don't know
if that's technically 'correct' English, but it's how people talk and write.
Imagine someone saying 'The Beatles is separated'; it just doesn't sound right!
2003-12-19 19:01:03 UTC
(thanx :o))
but I hope so , I spent the last year in London :o) But you know it's not
the same when you speak and when you write in a foreigner langage.

I hate Wet Wet Wet ©


weblog : www.20six.fr/medingus
Post by Mark Sturdy
Jesus, give her a break. I've a funny feeling that her English might
actually be a little bit better than your French...
Post by Srpskijeb
Post by manu
in Sheffield, a big
industrial and very sad city in the north of England.
Oi!! Sheffield isn't very sad!! Maybe a teeensy weensy little bit sad, but
'very sad'?!? Pah :P
Post by manu
Pulp released his first hit
Should read 'Pulp released their first hit'. An American might say 'Pulp
released its first hit'. I think. I don't know for sure though. Someone English
would ALWAYS say 'their'.
Post by manu
they like him very
much like some mediatic people who represent them in a way
I think I can kind of understand what you mean here, but 'mediatic' isn't a
Post by manu
Today, Pulp is almost separated
Again, someone English would propbably say 'Pulp are separated'. I don't know
if that's technically 'correct' English, but it's how people talk and write.
Imagine someone saying 'The Beatles is separated'; it just doesn't sound right!
2003-12-19 23:25:43 UTC
Hey Mark , I was wondering where you come from ?

I hate Wet Wet Wet ©


weblog : www.20six.fr/medingus
Post by Mark Sturdy
Jesus, give her a break. I've a funny feeling that her English might
actually be a little bit better than your French...
Post by Srpskijeb
Post by manu
in Sheffield, a big
industrial and very sad city in the north of England.
Oi!! Sheffield isn't very sad!! Maybe a teeensy weensy little bit sad, but
'very sad'?!? Pah :P
Post by manu
Pulp released his first hit
Should read 'Pulp released their first hit'. An American might say 'Pulp
released its first hit'. I think. I don't know for sure though. Someone English
would ALWAYS say 'their'.
Post by manu
they like him very
much like some mediatic people who represent them in a way
I think I can kind of understand what you mean here, but 'mediatic' isn't a
Post by manu
Today, Pulp is almost separated
Again, someone English would propbably say 'Pulp are separated'. I don't know
if that's technically 'correct' English, but it's how people talk and write.
Imagine someone saying 'The Beatles is separated'; it just doesn't sound right!
2003-12-20 00:32:27 UTC
Post by Mark Sturdy
Jesus, give her a break. I've a funny feeling that her English might
actually be a little bit better than your French...
Is there really any call for that? It's not like I was randomly picking on
someone for not speaking perfect English, she did ASK for people to comment on
what she wrote. And yeah, I'm positive her English is better than my French;
does that make me a bad person?
2003-12-21 19:41:52 UTC
Post by Srpskijeb
Post by Mark Sturdy
Jesus, give her a break. I've a funny feeling that her English might
actually be a little bit better than your French...
Is there really any call for that? It's not like I was randomly picking on
someone for not speaking perfect English, she did ASK for people to comment on
what she wrote. And yeah, I'm positive her English is better than my French;
does that make me a bad person?
It's true, I asked for your help. You corrected my faults and that what I
wanted, it's very kind, and I did a excellent presentation thanx to you.
Unfortunately I had to admit that no one knows Pulp in my classmates (poor
them ;o) and less Jarvis ! But the teacher was completelety satisfied.

I hate Wet Wet Wet ©


weblog : www.20six.fr/medingus
2003-12-22 00:21:23 UTC
that what I wanted,

Mark Sturdy
2003-12-27 17:24:59 UTC
Post by Srpskijeb
Post by Mark Sturdy
Jesus, give her a break. I've a funny feeling that her English might
actually be a little bit better than your French...
Is there really any call for that? It's not like I was randomly picking on
someone for not speaking perfect English, she did ASK for people to comment on
what she wrote. And yeah, I'm positive her English is better than my French;
does that make me a bad person?
Fair enough, I missed the bit where sbe asked before, thought you were
being a git when you weren't. Sorry. Hope I didn't spoil your

2003-12-27 20:25:33 UTC
Post by Mark Sturdy
Fair enough, I missed the bit where sbe asked before, thought you were
being a git when you weren't. Sorry. Hope I didn't spoil your
No probs geezer. And no, it didn't spoil my Christmas, my stupifyingly dull
extended family just about managed that on their own, so I won't blame you ;o)